Farms & Animals

We started the week off by feeding and watering all the animals (chickens & gunnie pigs) we have in school. All the children helped and you were very quite so you didn’t scare the animals. We all talked about looking after them and how it is important to give them food and water and to keep them clean.

Looking after animals teaches children Love , caring, self-confidence and Empathy. It also helps with reducing stress and anxiety.

Mrs Rowbottom read us all a lovely book called on the farm. Everyone listened very carefully and they made lots of loud animal noises. All the children loved playing with the farm animals and making all the animal noises….

How amazing it was to see all the children completing all the different puzzles and jigsaws we played with… what fantastic concentration and motor skills.

Bird week (Feb1-14)

For these 2 weeks we all have been thinking about taking care of the birds in our local area as part of the Big Garden Bird Watch. We went on to the big playground to see if we could spot some birds, then we left some bird seed for them to eat. All the children played in the bird seed, then we all made a beautiful collage using bird feathers. we used our touch senses to feel all the different textures and we developed attention and fine motor skills as well as learning different bird names.

Luna new year

How exciting its Luna new year, we started the week eating some cooked noodles, most of the 2 year olds did like them. Then we cooked some more noodles to play in…. we all had great fun playing in the noodles and you all showed how amazing you fine motor skills are by picking up the noodles with the tweezers.

We all did some great colouring in pictures and making gift envelope’s. To finish the week we all made a snake using bubble-wrap dipped in paint…

Happy Luna new year (of the Snake)

cooking in 2yo nursery

All the children helped cooked banana bread this week in the 2yo nursery. We all did some great mixing and what amazing concentration from all the children. We listened really well to the teacher giving instructions. We cooked the banana bread, then when it cooled down we all ate some it was yummy, well done 2 year old nursery.

Snow and Ice

Happy New Year to you all and what an exciting couple of weeks it has been for our 2 year olds. They have enjoyed the snow and ice and getting to know their new friends.

Also, welcome to our new children who are being very brave leaving their families and getting involved with lots of the activities.

Christmas in 2yo Nursery

Christmas is a very Exciting time of the year for young children, all the bright flashing lights, all the different colours and not forgetting all the singing we do.

We started Christmas off with decorating the Christmas tree, then we made Christmas card by dipping our hands in paint and making a big hand print. we then decorated it and made a Reindeer.

Parents stay and play. We invited all our parents into nursery to do some different crafts with their child. Everyone made some fantastic tree decorations, calendars and Christmas crackers. Then we sat down to eat with our families. We finished the session singing Christmas carols and playing jingle bells.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of our families & friends….

Parent and Child Story Session

It was wonderful to see so many parents at our story session in the school library. We walked through the wardrobe to our magical library where Mrs Bah read ‘Who Lives Here? by Julia Donaldson to the parents and children. They all then enjoyed exploring the rest of the library together. Once back in the nursery the parents continued to enjoy sharing books with their children.

Our School Library Visit

This week we had our very first visit to our school library. We listened to one of our favourite books ‘Dear Zoo’ then had a little bit more time to explore our wonderful library.

Instilling a love of reading early gives a child a head start on expanding their vocabulary, building independence and self-confidence. It helps children learn to make sense not only of the world around them but also people, building social-emotional skills and of course, imagination.

We look forward to inviting parents very soon to our lovely library session to share this wonderful experience together. Enjoy the photos.